The Falling Man-a 9/11 Documentary


Today marks 15 Septembers since the most tragic day in history I can remember: 9/11. #NeverForget this day in history and all the sacrifices that came with it. #Remember911 for all the heroes that saved lives, lost lives and went above and beyond the call of duty. Be proud of the Flag and the freedom it represents. #freedom, #neverforget, #landofthefree

My Glass to Share

How can you not remember that day? September 11, 2001. I think time stood still for several hours; at least it did for me. Let me back up a bit before I get into this particular piece. So my eldest child has been sick this week with some crazy virus. Therefore my hours have been off and I found myself searching the other night for something to watch on television. Flip on Hulu and search “documentaries,” there you go–9/11 and the “Falling Man” piece popped up. I immediately became obsessed. This date resonates with me, as it probably does with most of my generation. It was a day that will and can never be forgotten by our country. Whatever your stance may be for the actions taken after this day, you can’t ignore the utter despair and loss that was felt on September 11, 2001.

The documentary I watched the…

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About sbrhodes

I am a health coach, wife, and mom of two kids. I have a passion for writing and for healthy living. I also enjoy wine, and all it has to offer the world. I consider myself a "foodie" and love to cook, make up recipes and see what the kitchen has to offer each day. And in between all that, I enjoy exercise, traveling, reading, and learning all the new things this world has to offer. I hope you stumble across a few of my posts and perhaps enjoy what you read. Check out to learn more about healthy living, get recipe ideas, or sign up for a free consultation. Cheers!

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